Ivory Crafts
Business type: |
Manufacturer |
Business type: |
Exporter, Local market |
Number of employees: |
< 5 |
Annual sales value: |
Euro < 500.000 |
Established year: |
1971 |
Categories: |
Jewellery, Gifts & Crafts |
Contact: |
Firm Rank: 0
we are munufacturers of wooden handicrafts including that made from sandalwood, rosewood, haldu kadamb wood, sheesham wood etc. Brass figures and sculptures, wall hangings and gifts items etc. Jewellery made from sterling silver studded with precious and semi precious stones. Interested in supplying to small boutiques and retailers all over the globe.
Address data
Street: | 4378/4b Ansari Road |
City: | Delhi |
Postal code: | 110002 |
Country: | India |
Phone: | +91 11 9212090195 |
Contact person |
Name and Surname: | Alok Jain |
Phone: | +91 11 9212090195 |
Mobile: | +91 9212090195 |